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January 19, 2022
Fact vs fiction: Is coffee bad for your teeth?

Coffee is a large part of morning routines across the world, with some of us claiming to be largely incapable of functioning without it. But just what kind of effect is regular consumption having on your dental health? We take a look at the facts and bust a few myths when it comes to coffee […]

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January 20, 2021
Dental health and the lockdown effect

We all know what terrible effect Covid 19 has had on our health and well-being, however did you know that it’s also having a huge effect on the health of the nations teeth. During lockdown 38% of us have reportedly snacked more on sugary foods whilst being housebound and this will have a huge impact […]

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November 27, 2020
Say Goodbye To Uneven Teeth Invisibly

At the Harrogate Clinic we always put our patients first and we fully understand that imperfect or crooked teeth can cause self esteem and confidence issues. For many adults the thought of choosing to correct this in adulthood makes them think of old fashioned visible, uncomfortable braces, however this is no longer the case as […]

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November 16, 2020
Dental Implants

A missing tooth can cause you many different problems, not just to your confidence but it can also have an impact on your social life, love life and even your employability causing you anxiety and embarrassment! Sometimes a removable denture can be fitted, but after time can become loose and uncomfortable this can however be […]

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October 26, 2020
The Importance of choosing a Safe Teeth Whitening Treatment

At the Harrogate Clinic, one of our most requested treatments is Teeth Whitening. Perfectly white teeth have become the norm fuelled by the perfect smiles we see on TV and on celebrities. It is well known that having a dazzling white smile improves our self-confidence and it's not surprising that people are now routinely whitening […]

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October 24, 2020
Award-Winning Dental Surgery

BREAKING NEWS………... It's Official We are the Best Dentistry Service in Yorkshire!!! Back in March 2020 we got the wonderful news that we had won and been awarded the Prestige Award for Best Dentistry Services in Yorkshire. As you can Imagine Dr Ghasmi and the team at the Clinic are all delighted. As you may […]

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June 12, 2020
‘Enlightening’ Your Smile at The Harrogate Dentist

“Say Cheese!”… You dread the moment the camera turns to focus on you. You smile, lips pursed, covering up your less-than-sparkling teeth. You wish you had a brighter smile. You’ve tried everything – or so you think – but perfectly white teeth have remained elusive. But then you discovered The Harrogate Dentist… Teeth Whitening that […]

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June 12, 2020
Is Your Child Receiving the Best Possible Dental Care?

A Healthy Smile that Will Last a Lifetime? Our formative childhood years can have a huge influence on our dental health and hygiene over the long term. The way we are taught to look after our teeth in our early years, and the quality of our dental care can set a precedent for our long-term […]

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